Sep 8, 2015

Labor Day Weekend

For the second Labor Day weekend in a row, my sister and her crew came to town.  It was like Christmas around here as we counted down and anticipated their coming. :)

We kept busy, busy.  So busy, Josh lost his marbles one night and slept 12 hours to recoup. Ha!  Rough work week, newborn again, three busy nights a week, and then the intensity of cousins and all that activity just wore that man out!  But like I said, he soldiered on, we all soldiered on, and were all grins at having shared a nice long weekend together again.  

Some shots of the memories made this time...

These two were INSEPARABLE this visit, which was so interesting because usually it's Anna and Brooklyn like that.

Brooklyn was all about the baby this visit.

Not pictured was the football watching, storm staring, porch sitting, laughing and gabbing, parent/teacher store run, popcorn movie night, and me ... mostly because I threatened Emily's life if she didn't stop taking pics of me.  And just to keep the tradition alive, we did NOT get to Nashville.  Again. Whatevs.  When Emily and Lee move to Hunstville soon they can take care of that on their own.  Ha!

Next visit is in November on our way to LegoLand and Josh's parents and Noah's birthparents.  Loaded, blessed trip coming up.  Loaded, blessed trip we just enjoyed here.  Blessed being the operative word.  Thankful for family ... like a broken record.  So thankful.Such fellowship.


Emily said...

OH man! Loved this post...but Huntsville isn't public yet!!!! No job offer yet!!! We already miss you guys! You two are a like a breath of fresh air. Funny how like mindedness puts a soul at rest. :) Seriously. We were all tired, but we were all blessed regardless. Love you guys!!!!!! Already using all my teacher store items I bought at your house!!!

Kimberly said...

Oops! I can delete that part if it helps. But no one who reads my blog is gonna be an info leak for you, which is why I thought it made no diff. :}

What stuff are you using from our teacher store run? Fun!