Aug 31, 2015

Taa Daa: Scarf for Anna

I haven't picked up my crochet hook since MARCH, y'all.  Since our first JJ placement.  Six months ago.  But this week ... inbetween Lasa and Arrie, I did.  And this weekend, after Arrie left, I finallllllllly finished up this infinity scarf.

Anna is its proud new owner and she will rock it this winter, for sure! 

Let's hope she can lose that stye in her eye before then.  She's had that bad boy since June. : /


Cindy said...


Kimberly said...

Thaaaanks! You are my crochet hero. :}

Emily said...


Kimberly said...

I would make you one, buuuuuuut ...

Elizabeth Bradley said...

So so cute! I think it's even cuter because it's pint-sized like your girl. :-)

I'm curious if there are any essential oils out there that might help Anna's stye? Though perhaps you've already tried that? What did her doctor say is the norm for how long it might hang around?

Kimberly said...

You know what - I didn't even check to see about that. I think I might have the last time she had one though and it didn't yield anything ... Or anything I was willing to try? Anyway, I finally took her to the dr about it at three months of this annoying thing, and he sent me to a pediatric opthamologist ( which I have pics to blog about once we get to the end of this stye road - ha!) and basically she said - yep, it's a stye and it's not serious still. Could stay for up to NINE months if we were willing to look at it that long. Which we are not. So she said, keep up a more rigorous hot compress regimen, massage it as wel, and if it doesn't go away after a few months, we can do a procedure to drain it. Only catch is that they would have to sedate her ... Which to me is more trouble than it's worth. Probably more money too. So we are seeing how long we can stand it. But Anna is growing increasingly aggravated by the compress routine, so I bet we are headed to the Draining option in another month probably. :/. So frustrating!

Kimberly said...

PS - Shall I make another pint-sized one for your girl?!?!

Elizabeth Bradley said...

Oh my. What an ordeal that sounds like... poor Anna, poor all of you. And I agree that sedation doesn't sound all that fun either.

As for pint-sized scarves, I'm sure my girl would love one, but no way would I add to your ever-increasing-already-full plate! ;-)