Aug 10, 2015

Catching Up

From Friday afternoon all the way to Sunday night, our weekend was slammed with busyness.  That was probably a mistake.  Because then Monday hit and it was ALSO slammed.  So hectic was today, I cried again under the stress and chaos and at times, futility, of various efforts on the foster scene that came up today.  The details of today are too layered and tedious to try to ... detail.  :} So instead, I will drop some more photos of late and feel like I accomplished something today ... getting caught up!

I am moving slowly through Proverbs as I test out the journaling waters.  Was able to pick up my bible again today after a few days away.  Fresh air!

No matter who Noah is entertaining or what he is doing, it is always punctuated with quick check-ins with Lasa.

When he can't hold her, he likes to be as near as possible, still.

Another day, another thank you note!  So humbly grateful for the support system of good friends here at home in TN.

We got to meet up with Lasa's mom this weekend.  She ended up being so very late to our meet that she only got an hour to visit, but that she made it at all is getting filed away as a Win!  She has odds stacked against her and it hurts my heart to dwell on.  The more I interact with her, the more the weight of this situation ... well ... weighs me down. Rounding a steep and emotional and reality check learning curve these days!

Anna, after the first day with baby, has since gone on her merry way and hasn't asked to hold her again.  Isn't that interesting?  I think it is.  She is her momma's girl ... not a big fan of babies.  Though she does still contend every day that Lasa is the cutest baby she has ever seen, so my Anna is not entirely unmoved at least.  When I caught her acknowledging Lasa the other day, I made her freeze til I could grab my phone.  Ha!

Love how content baby is when she is awake.

Give a shout out to baby girl who gained a WHOLE POUND since last Monday's doctor visit.  She is now up to 6 lbs 8 oz!  Fun baby facts include her being champion eater and pooper, her being a really noisy sleeper, and her especially liking to sleep on my chest.

After a Babies R Us run, I indulged the kids with a little park run last week.  The weather was AMAZING in the 80s that day.

This weekend we worked in another dip at the pool with my friend Karla and her son Cohen.

Josh found his own way to make baby girl grin.  Look at that glance! I do believe she was flirting with my man.

I have a crush on her forehead when she does this. Love those little creases and eyebrows.

Anna came down from bath this weekend having curled her own hair for church the next morning.  I was too tired to fix it and just let it be.  She had big, wild hair the next day, but it wasn't embarrassingly out there, so I let it go.  Be who you gotta be, my love.  How Ramona Quimby is this face?  Very.  How ugly is that stye that is STILL in her eye after 3 months?  Very.  The dr today said she needs to hit Vandy to see a pediatric opthamologist.  Because I don't have enough appts and court dates to get to with Lasa.  Ha!  And just for bonus - Anna has strep.  Again.

So much goodness to chew on and thank the Lord for in this verse I saw in one of my apps this weekend.  Just felt like screen grabbing it for here on the blog while I was at it.

We went for a walk last night to unwind and process how the visit with Lasa's mom went.  On the way back home, Josh offered to let Noah push the stroller.  As you would imagine after all I have told of his affection for baby, Noah cheered aloud, bounced around, and RAN to grab the handles and take over.

Watching him do this, watching baby sleep inside, watching Anna ride her scooter, I told Josh we were living the dream we had back before kids.  Being on the foster/adopt scene.  Out for a stroll in the cool air with our family built by adoption, by birth, and now by fostering.  Taking it all in.


Emily said...

Seriously!!! I loved everything about this post! Oh my word, I can not WAIT to come see you and your little growing family! I told you too, that Anna would need to see an ophthalmologist about that stye if it didn't go away...did you ever get to try antibiotics? Our pediatrician said don't bring her back to him...she would need an ophthalmologist instead. Hope she feels better!!! Keep that girl away from Baby Lasa! (Brooklyn secretly hopes she will still be there when we visit.) Her and Noah will probably need a timer for taking turns....Brooklyn held Hazel for 2 solid hours when we visited her as a newborn...not to mention all the other non-two-hour periods of time she hogged that baby.

Love you guys.

Emily said...

Oh! and YES, that is DEFINITELY a Romona Face.!!! hahahaha!

Kimberly said...

Did you know babies can't catch strep? Fascinating to me. Also, a relief.

Emily said...

Brooklyn did at 9 months old. wonder when that susceptibility starts....