Aug 25, 2015

Posting Post-Baby

Things we have been up to since baby left on Friday...

Noah has started taking an art class on Tuesdays with our umbrella school and loves it!  It is apparently "the best thing ever".

We are finally, finally, finally improving the kids' bathroom.  Paint, caulk, and a new stencil motif of Anna's choosing ... an anchor.

Anna was thrilled to paint her "first wall ever!"  Then she promptly dropped the roller and got paint on the floor. : /

Love our church.  Just ... really love to be there with these people.  Still going strong with our Community Group at our house on Wednesdays as well.

More school stuff ... in this shot, checking out the Usborne Quicklinks that go with our science text.

Clouds.  Always me and the clouds.

Does that mean my head is IN the clouds? Probably.

Noah and Anna met their co-op teachers last week and are so very ready to head to class this Thursday.  I am ready for them to have that outlet, too. Look at that packed house!   This program that started out with only kindergarten offered has grown to cover K-6 in just 4 years.

Noah, bless him, has been trying my patience with some less-than-honest behavior.  It was a rough week last week.  He got in a bunch of trouble.  More than once.  It even drove Anna to tears at one point.  Confession, I was in tears, too, I was so stupefied and felt so defeated in being able to speak reason and reach my son's heart.  I {think} we have it handled and Noah has come around.  Hoping it was just a fluke of a week with all the upheaval with Lasa coming and going or not and then again. 

I found real encouragement from my new book, Valley of Vision, the day we returned home without Lasa.  This prayer in particular.

Anna's begun to curate her own art gallery in the upstairs hallway. 

We hit up a Back-to-School Bash with our homeschool group this past weekend at the park.  And then right after, we beelined to an End-of-Summer Bash at a friend's pool.  It worked wonders keeping our minds off baby.

Anna's birthday is coming up, so I am due for some sentimental weeks ahead.  Starting with Sunday in church when I got caught up in her little feet. I wanna remember it allllllll.

I have time for reading again.  See here my bedside view where I pass my last hour of the day again now that I am not sleeping on the couch to monitor Lasa til 2:00.  Fun fact, I have not had to take a sleeping pill since she came ... or since she left.  It's possible she wore me the heck out and reset my sleep cycle altogether.  Ha!

Anna got switched to a t-ball team after all and it is the perfect and cutest thing. With some kids younger than 4 on her team, and her turning 7 in a month, it's no surprise she is second in the batting line-up.  The only guy in front of her is Preston who she was tickled to see on the team because they were in the same kindergarten class.

That's her taking off from first.  She is fast! (At least I think so - ha!)

And she keeps her eyes on the prize.

As do I.  But I also, like I said, keep my eyes on the skies.

And oh yeah - Josh and Noah are at their first meeting with their new Lego Robotics team right now!  They are really excited and even a smidge nervous.  Josh is one of the coaches.  Wish them luck!

In other news, the Lord is blessing us this week with wildly awesome and uncharacteristically cool temps in the 70s.  We are SOAKING IT UP and leaving the door open all the live long day.  Other fun fact, I apparently have seasonal allergies all of a sudden?  


Emily said...

LOL! Natalie would have done the same exact thing with the paint roller! I can totally feel your frustration there, but it is so like the two of them.

So happy to hear you are getting a little reprieve from the stressors of fostering a newborn and all the legalities and time pressures on your day! We're praying for Momma to get it straight for real. (Though Brooklyn is SO bummed she won't be holding a baby in a couple of weeks) ; /

Kimberly said...

A couple of weeks?! ONE week. One.

Emily said...

okay 1.5 weeks ;)

Kimberly said...
