Aug 8, 2015

Back to School 2015

So, school!  Yes, that!  We have actually been at it AND fostering a preemie which means we deserve some sort of gold medals or something.  Or, I do.  Because I am doing it all on significantly less sleep than I need and with significantly more kiddos around.  :}

What's funny about these back to school pics is that we actually started the week before ... but only did half days.  We were scheduled to start full time on Aug. 3 as seen in their little back-to-school signs.  But by the time that date came, we had a baby.  And she had legal and medical needs.  And I was already beat.  So we technically snapped these pics on August 2nd because you get done what you can while baby sleeps and before you forget.  And then we still only got a half day in on Monday still!!

No matter.  Everyone knows the first day of school is fluff and intro anyway.  We DID mark the first day with our annual donut breakfast and this time we did it with a slew of homeschool buddies at Krispy Kreme. :)  This is about half the group, so as you can see we have a good number of homeschool pals to keep up with and compare notes with and share playdates and field trips with. Thankful!

So anyway, back to schoolish stuff.  How cute is Anna's writing? 

My view at our table in the classroom/playroom/but mostly classroom.

My plans before me.

Hooray for our newest homeschool addition ... actual whiteboard ON THE WALL.  Those little lapboards Noah and I have been using for two years were just not cutting it.  Can't believe I took this long to get back to more squarefootage.

My girl at work ... sitting all wonky ON HER TIPTOES.  

Anna has amazed me with how many creations and projects she initiates on her own after we study or read something. That's Noah's drawing on the floor and that explosion of creativity on the fireplace is Anna's contribution to our read aloud series. :}  The girl created a diorama.  She doesn't even know that is a thing... it's just what she made to model after our story.

In other news, Noah is (as you saw above) in third grade now and that just makes my heart skip a beat.  I was teaching third graders when he came into our lives.  What a milestone to be back in third grade ... with my own kiddo now!

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