Aug 19, 2015

Anna Goes Sporty

Look who went to her first ball practice yesterday!

She only cried twice in the hour she was there. Ha!  No, but seriously, both times it was pretty warranted.  Shall I explain?  

1.  She has somehow been put on a coach pitch team even though we signed her up for tball.  Possibly because she is turning 7 next month?  Who knows.  It was a pretty jam-packed and demanding first practice for a girl who has never played at all.  I spotted her face going strangely distorted and splotchy as she stood near third base waiting to field the balls ... that were not being hit off a tee to her (and our) surprise.  The gravity of the situation was hitting her.  Eyes were wiped, face got red, but she kept the emotions to a precious tough-girl minimum.  We are seeing about having her switched back to tball if we can because, really folks, she is a bit of a lightweight in the sporting world, not to mention a total novice.  Fingers crossed!  

2.  When running laps around the bases at the end of practice, Anna tripped over second base and wiped out.  She has a scuffed knee to show for it and her coach's praise still ringing in her ear for being so tough and shaking if off.  There were tears and wails, but she managed them without needing mom or dad to come out to her rescue.  Two coaches helped her through it, one of whom is a woman and that just makes Anna's day.  So if she can't be bumped back to tball, we are pumped to be on the team she is now if she has to stay.  Coach Shelia ran that team of 15 kiddos and 5 adult helpers like a boss!

Some bonus pics...


Emily said...

hahaha!!! That poor girl! I could picture her the whole way through that post. Great writing! Tell that girl I think she is super tough too! ;)

Kimberly said...

Will do!