Aug 30, 2015

Anna Creates/Noah Creates

Just some of the creative undertakings of my young'uns this month...

Anna and a buddy made a rabbit trap.

I love her bright and hard color strokes and all the details she thinks to include in her drawings.

She got inspired by some golf tees...

These drawings went with a book series we were reading.

She was tickled to have created her own popsicles using an egg carton and the sticks from our math manipulatives. :S 

Tinkertoy table sign and a delicious spread for breakfast from our in-house restaurant named Anna's Pie Cake.  And a photo bomber.


Following step-by-step directions in her Usborne Learn to Draw People book.  Nice work!


Noah sticks with Legos and tents in his room.  Here, he and Josh built and programmed a Mindstorm robot called Rapt3r.

It was creepy rolling around and striking at whatever it sensed in front of it.

But Noah was all smiles and excitement to see his work in action.

I love this shot!  That tongue!

Serious work, clearly. :}

I can't wait to see Noah's clay pot from art class soon.  While he was at art, Anna took on a cooking project ... fruit smoothies!

Almost forgot!  A Lego Chima castle stuffed with EVERYTHING Noah could think of to impress the judges in the contest he is submitting it for.  

1 comment:

Elizabeth Bradley said...

What a fun memory-keeping mama you are!!!