Jul 13, 2015

Mooning over Sunflowers Still

Some shots of Anna's sunflowers ... before the weather breaks their stems and/or bugs eat right through the stalks.

We have gotten a number of pretty red tomatoes now and they are delicious as always, though ripening much later in the season than we have ever had before.  I have developed a crush on the little green ones all in a row ... like a tomato nursery or something. :}

And, bonus, we have more broccoli coming in, too!

This week, we are going to attempt to harvest some sunflower seeds from the toppled over blooms.  Wish us luck!


Emily said...

Broccoli! YUM! That does it. Next year I will have at least a single tomato plant!!!

Kimberly said...

Absolutely! Or, one for each kid. It's kinda needed anyway for pollination ... more than one at least.

Elizabeth Bradley said...

Your summer garden is SO fun. And I share your love for sunflowers in all their shapes and sizes. We're growing a few of our own in pots, but one day (if and when I have a yard) I would love to try the "growing them in a clump" like I saw someone post on your FB wall. :-)

Kimberly said...

I was just looking at your new profile pic last night and thinking about you and wondering what you were up to. What fun to hear from you today! Does a sunflower in a pot have enough roots to grow as tall as they do in the ground?!

Elizabeth Bradley said...

Sadly... no... they don't get nearly as tall or have nearly as big of blooms, but when you have no "ground" to call your own and you want your 2 year old to see things growing, then a pot is as good as it gets.

Kimberly said...

Gotcha! Well then, it's potted plants for the win! Littler blooms for a little girl - perfect match! Good job, momma!