Feb 7, 2015

Super Sweet on Saturday

It's that time of year again ... time for the much-anticipated Daddy-Daughter Dance!  

This year is Anna's 4th year to attend.  Maybe this year she will be able to hang til closing at 9. 

Momarazzi got right down to business snapping  pics before an-y-thing could get mussed with her hair, bow, tights, dress, sweater ... anything!

This shot is my fave.

This is Josh's fave.

They head out in a little bit to a fancy dinner (read - anyplace with a waiter) where Anna plans to order grilled cheese, pleaseandthankyou.  They are triple dating to dinner and the dance with our dear friends, James and Claire and Craig and Emma, before heading over to Delmas Long Community Center for a pretty corsage and the main event. Noah and I are heading out to a more casual mother-son outing with the rest of those families, Cindy and Ben and Cathy and Everett, at Chick-Fil-A and then gab/play, respectively, back at our house. :)  Good night!


Emily said...

Anna will love how angelic she looks in all these shots. I mean seriously. Could innocence be portrayed any more through those white skinned, rosy cheeked, "I love my daddy, and have him wrapped around my little pinky, and I feel like I'm his #1 girl. Mommy can just step aside pleaseandthankyou" smile.

I miss you guys. Man.

Emily said...

I mean seriously....that is a DADDY's GIRL, if I EVER saw one. ha! Such a special time. This was the first year Brooklyn said, "I don't want to do the Father Daughter dance this year."


Honestly Lee didn't mind...they went to breakfast at Crackerbarrel and got a candy stick on the way out instead. Made her a happy girl nonetheless :)

Kimberly said...

So did Lee not take Natalie?

Emily said...

it was only for the Elementary school kids, not primary. That was clear to the parents.