Feb 16, 2015

Into Anna's Portfolio

Did you know Anna has a portfolio?  It's a brilliant little bag that is folder sized where we put the best of her art and discard the rest.  Saves much space.  She totally gets it and uses it with pride.  These latest three masterpieces can be found there now.  

She did all these herself using an Usborne Learn to Draw book.  Proud of her initiative and following directions!

Proud of this freestyle draw, too.  Giggling at the details she added and the picnic lunch with a sandwich with a stick in it "to be fancy."  Great memory from awhile back of them kayaking while I sat on the shore under a giant tree snapping pics.


Emily said...

WOW!!! Brooklyn wants me to get her an Art curriculum too! I was thinking about looking for something online though. or a DVD or something of that sort.

Very impressive Anna! Great work!

Kimberly said...

No way! Get a good book. There will be some great choices at TTD. Usborne has a good one I can show you. With famous artists and works of art for the kids to try.