Feb 13, 2015

Field Trip a la Ellington

Made another jaunt to Nashville today to visit Ellington Agricultural Center with a handful of friends from our homeschool group.  The theme of the tour was in honor of President's Day coming up - George Washington's younger days growing up on his family property - Ferry Farm. 

Learning how wool was spun on a spinning wheel.  They also got to check out how fences were made, even getting to practice one style. And they modeled what sorts of clothing were worn back in those days.

Seeing how corn was ground into cornmeal using a gristmill.  They also got to thresh wheat.

Finding out what sort of stuff gets done in the blacksmith area and how.  This was Noah's favorite part.

Well, that and this weaving loom.  Go figure.

 Back where the tour started, they learned all the steps to make a birthday cake for George - from churning butter, to grinding the flour, to grating the cinnamon.  They also got to try writing with a quill pen. 


Afterward, it was too chilly to picnic, but the kiddos ran off a little steam out in the sunshine before humoring the grown-ups for a photo op and then we headed out for lunch.

Two field trips in one week = winning!  Next week, we head to the library for a group chat with a local pediatric dentist.  And - bonus - she is the one our kids will start going to next month, so the timing is perfect!

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