Feb 9, 2015

Daddy-Daughter Dance 2015

Before leaving for dinner, Anna begged me to take some silly shots which I had neglected to do in her first round of photos that I blogged. 

So silly shots we did.

And another sweetie pie one because I am the boss and I said so.

Dinner was a triple date with Claire and Emma and their daddies at Cheddar's. Anna was starving and ate ALLLLL her dinner, which never happens.

Girls just wanna have fun!


You can see Anna and Claire sitting so studiously there in the middle waiting for the hula hoop contest.

Thankful for these sneaky shots of my two bustin' a move.


And for your viewing pleasure, some video footage of Anna's charming boogie style.  A little shake, shake, shake, shake, shake to our girl Taylor, which cracks me up because Noah and I were jammin' in the car on the way to Chick-Fil-A that night to the VERY SAME song.

Baby girl doing the best twist she could muster...

And of course, the chicken dance...

Best Daddy-Daughter Dance yet!


Emily said...

hahahaha! If you click back and forth really fast of Josh and anna dancing, then Josh looks pretty fun waving his hips! hahahahahahaha! Love it! She is definitely a free spirit, that girl.

Emily said...

oh my goodness, the videos....love love love!

Kimberly said...

Seriously. That child dances with abandon. :} My sweetie pie.