Feb 18, 2015

And Still More Snow

At times yesterday, Josh would stop for a breather and Noah would want to keep on sledding.  So he worked out a way to get a running start and leap forward onto the sled to power it down the driveway himself ... sometimes so hard he flipped right off.  Ha!

Trying out our other sled with a little centrifugal force.  Way fun!

This is, truly, the extent of my time in the snow.  Suiting up (scarf, turtle fur, gloves) JUST to step onto the porch and take pics.  It is THAT cold.

Anna's turn! Look at her holding on like a warrior!

Wipe out!  Noah really became one with the snow this week.  He would come inside soaking wet with snow all up and down his legs.  We have to put his gloves directly on the air vents on the floor just so the heat will dry them before he goes out again.

Too much fun.  So thankful to have Josh home for Day 3 off work. We have been waiting on this to happen since 2011 when we last had decent, play-worthy snow ... back when Josh was a traveling man rocking the sales world.

And as if all this isn't enough snowy fun, bless it, we got MORE snow last night!  So beautiful.  Also, even colder.  Like negative 2 degrees tonight, feels like 8 right now in the sun. Cold. You hear me, Emily.  THAT is cold.  But back to how pretty the cold is...


My pig in a blanket of snow. :}

More sledding bright and early today ...

And more wiping out. :)

And, oh yeah, I finally got a current phone!  For the first time IN MY LIFE I have the most current technology on the market - an iPhone 6.

And I am tickled pink at the way better pics it takes.  Look at how clearly you can see all this sweetness.

Josh goes back to work tomorrow, albeit later in the morning than usual.  Noah and I will keep chugging along at our regularly scheduled homeschool work.  Anna will join us for that when the mood strikes her.  And we will keep on playing board games like it's a party over here.  Our current favorite is a timeless classic, Sorry.  This very board is the one I grew up playing on.  LOTS of history and board game drama went down over this bad boy.  Anna keeps that drama alive for us every time she starts losing.  It's a trip ... down memory lane.  Ha!

Our surprise Winter Break in February has rocked!  Feeling so rested and content.


Emily said...

Not jealous of you in this season of the year at all! at. all. :) That's not cold, that's just plain misery. Uhhh...

But looking like you are letting those kids live.it.up out there! Good job momma! :)

Kimberly said...

Oh. No. You would learn to love it. I have! Or at least not hate it. The kids help with that. Maybe you just weren't in VA with me long enough. Ha!