Feb 21, 2015

Oo-de-Lally, Oo-de-Lally

Just for the fun of it ... and the fact that the song is so catchy I can't get it out of my head.  When you can't beat 'em, join 'em!  So join us, Noah and me, just finishing up this movie as a fun supplement to this time period in medieval history that we are studying ... with Richard the Lionheart off at the Crusades and his younger brother, Prince John, trying to take over the throne back in England.  Up next came the Magna Carta, thankyouverymuch, English nobleman.  Noah and I appreciate that political development in world history.  But alas, I am getting ahead of myself. BEFORE the Magna Carta was the legend himself, Robin Hood!

Robin Hood and Little John
Walkin' through the forest
Laughin' back and forth
At what the other'ne has to say
Reminiscin', This-'n'-thattin'
Havin' such a good time
Oo-de-lally, Oo-de-lally
Golly, what a day
Never ever thinkin' there was danger in the water
They were drinkin', they just guzzled it down
Never dreamin' that a schemin' sheriff and his posse
Was a-watchin' them an' gatherin' around
Robin Hood and Little John
Runnin' through the forest
Jumpin' fences, dodgin' trees
An' tryin' to get away
Contemplatin' nothin'
But escape an' fin'lly makin' it
Oo-de-lally, Oo-de-lally
Golly, what a day
Oo-de-lally, Oo-de-lally
Golly, what a day


Emily said...

Lee would say "communist movie!!" :)

Kimberly said...

I don't get it. You'll have to explain. Just like you explained how to take a pic of my new phone using my new phone. Ha!

Emily said...

Kimberly... hahaha! Steal from the rich to give to the "poor" "because they can afford it"...basically what our government does...

Kimberly said...

Ohhhhh, I see. From the words at the end... yeah, remember hearing some politic in that commentary...but I thought that was more like socialism? At any rate, neither was the case in Robin Hood's point because the money had been unfairly taken from the people for a tyrannical prince to begin with. Hence the need for that good ole Magna Carta. You'll see... Story of the World. HA!!

Emily said...
