Feb 25, 2015

Snow Day Irony

Our system, Sumner County Schools, closed for 7 consecutive school days during all the snow, ice, and extreme temps we had.  And in that time, not counting President's Day, Noah and I kept chugging along with school every single one of those days off.  Anna joined us intermittently, Josh was home for 4 of those days, and we were flexible with our school schedule to work around our snow fun and change of routine, but we stayed the course and didn't give in to just skipping school for the heck of it.

And then, Anna finally returned to school this morning. It's back to just me and Noah and all the time in the world to get our work done with no distractions or interruptions.  You would think we'd be all about it.

Instead, we have suddenly lost our oomph.  I am finding this morning that I just don't wanna think about school and Noah, usually very task oriented, has disappeared back to him room to play Legos.  I think I will leave him there in peace.  I think it might just be possible that we are gonna take a day off of school to recuperate from the juggling act that has been school during what has been affectionately/dramatically called "Snowpocalypse 2015."

All those legitimate snow days and we wait til AFTER the hullabaloo to take a day off.  How's that for irony?  Just another day in the life and liberty of homeschooling. Ha!


Emily said...

ha! I find all your references to homeschooling refreshing to read now :)

not that they weren't fun to read before, but now i GET it. hehe. Can't wait for my turn. :)

Kimberly said...

You can't know how big that makes me grin. :D