Apr 18, 2012

Knutty Knitters

So that group of us girls that learned to knit last October have been keeping at the knitting and even named our little fledgling club The Knutty Knitters.  Yesterday we attempted to get together again to learn a couple new tricks.  Only about half of us could make it, but make it we did!  It was such a pleasant morning gabbing it up with friends.  And while most kiddos were at MDO, Anna had a little friend over, Ava, and they just played and played for over two hours!

Meanwhile, Melissa (our fearless leader) taught Lisa, Angela, Susie, and I how to knit stripes and also how to work with a fun new yarn that comes off looking all lacy and ruffly.  I couldn't put mine down once I got the hang of it and I managed to get about this far last night while catching up on a couple shows after everyone went to bed. 

In the end, it's gonna be a Mother's Day gift for my mom.  Shhhhh; don't tell.  (I'd make one for my MIL, too, but they don't so much need scarves in Florida, I'd wager.)


Amy Faye Brown said...

I am officially envious and have this on my long list of things I want to do. Your MIL may not be able to use a scarf in her part of Florida, but your SIL does live in a cooler climate. :)

Emily said...


Kimberly said...

Eh, I'm not so crazy about these colors, but they really screamed Mom to me when I was choosing them. I picked a much different color schemed one for me ...

Kimberly said...

PS - I just ordered me some more ruffly yarn for a certain SIL! :}