Apr 18, 2012

Cooper Creek Strawberries

Anna and I met up with a friend, Kelli, and her son, Weston, today to walk down the lane and pick strawberries at her neighbor's patch that just opened close to home, Cooper Creek Strawberries. 

I couldn't help snapping pictures along the way.  And can you blame me?  Look how adorable these two are!

Anna surprised me by how little she actually picked.  She sort of just wandered with the bucket in hand, not really doing anything to fill it.  Just scoping the place out.

She tended to waddle along like a little duck close behind Kelli and Weston.

But it was under Mrs. Kelli's tutelage that Anna learned the ropes and got to pickin' finally.

I coaxed her in to sampling the goods, too.  They were so ripe and JUICY and delicious!

Checking out the goodies when all was said and done.

Love these bright and cool - but still warming enough - spring mornings we've been having! 

Thanks for the sweets, Cooper Creek!
We'll be back soon, I am sure! :)


Amy Faye Brown said...

What fun!
I miss strawberry season in south Florida. Used to love taking my little ones picking and then coming home and making shortcake or jelly.

Emily said...

what fun! Those strawberry lanes looked HEALTHY...wow! I think I"m a little jealous!!

Kimberly said...

They really were, too! Kelli said she read an article about the excellent TN strawberry crops this year and I can testify to that! :)