Apr 30, 2012

Four-Wheeling at Last

We headed a little ways south yesterday to visit with a coworker of Josh's who has some room to breathe (translation: a yard bigger than our patch of grass).  It was nice to see Noah back in the saddle with Josh

as this is a special past-time he and Josh shared day after day when we lived in Alabama.  


Sadly, there hasn't been much chance of that since we moved, so Anna had no idea what she was missing ... until now.

Luckily, when you know someone with some actual land, there's a good chance they have some furry friends to speak of, too.  Noah was so brave and got busy feeding the goats

and Nixon, the donkey.

Anna, recalling her trauma the last time she tried to feed farm animals, was not willing to help much, though she did let us coax her into actually NOT screaming and even allowing the critters to come a little closer.

She much preferred the peaceful picking of fresh strawberries

and flowers, of course.

And what's a day outdoors without roasting hot dogs and marshmallows?  So, cook-out we did. :)  I also tried my first ever blackberries.  Not bad!

Then we did a little four-wheeling of the Power Wheels sort.  Noah and Anna took turns off-roading while the grown-ups sat around the fire and chatted.

Other highlights of our time with Mrs. Lynn and Mr. Bruce (who Anna kept calling Mr. Bob) included a couple dogs (not pictured), a tree swing,

and wandering a ways in an empty creek bed ... til Mommy made them stop for more pictures ... that a certain little lady would not really cooperate for.  

We liked the day and surroundings so much, we agreed to come back this summer for a Staycation at their house one weekend to dog/house sit when they go out of town.  Who could resist all this ... and the pool in the backyard, too?  Not the Family Brown, that's for sure. :)  We'll be there with bells on and the four-wheelers in tow. 


Amy Faye Brown said...

What a lovely afternoon!

I have to admit I was a little distracted by Matthew's wearing of a bike helmet while riding the 4-wheeler. Does he need a reminder of his upbringing? That's just not how it's done back in Fort Green. :) hehehe

Kimberly said...

I know! I cringed at what those silly helmets were doing to my pictures! :( But the lady whose land this was was sort of fussy about safety ... so the helmets were a peace offering for her. Ugh.

Emily said...

wow! And For record....I want that polo shirt Noah has on...even if I have to buy it from you! Seriously...you should be giving me first dibs on his clothes!

And wow!!! Noah was just a baby, like yesterday...his little face was so chubby....squishy...he's like a real boy now!

Emily said...

oh and regarding those bike helmets...somethings better than nothing...believe me...should an unfortunate accident happen, you'll want those head protected. I've seen bad things result from pure accidental wrecks from normal folks that just didn't wear a simple helmet.

Good for the lady fussing about it. Spend a day in the ER in the south during 4 wheeling weather, and you'd never ride one without a helmet again. Accidents happen...that's why they're called accidents.

Emily said...

I'll get off my soap box now. :) LOL...

I totally just got preachy. WHoa.

Kimberly said...

The shirt's all yours. I was thinking all that day that it looked too little lengthwise for him, so that's the last time you'll see him in it. :)