Dec 2, 2009

You Are My Miracle

Last month I ordered some books from Scholastic for Noah and Anna. You know those colorful, newspaper print book order things that we used to bring home from school as a kid? I know them very well having been a classroom teacher myself since my own days as a student. So this was a little surreal to be on the household receiving end of those orders. Footing the bill like a grown up, like a real-live mommy!

Anyway, my point is that one of the Christmas books I ordered turned out to be so touching. I could not help myself but post its lines here. They make me get all sappy - something I NEVER did before I had my own children. Ah, life, love. What can you do?

You Are My Miracle
by Maryann Cusimano Love
(dedicated today by me to my Noah and Anna)

I am your parent; you are my child.
I am your quiet place; you are my wild.
I am your hot cocoa; you are my marshmallow.
I am your nutcracker; you are my cookie dough.
I am your gingerbread; you are my frosting goo.
I am your paper; you are my glitter and glue.
I am your wrapping; you are my surprise.
I am your don't peek; you are my wide eyes.
I am your bundle up; you are my dash outside.
I am your uphill pull; you are my fast sleigh ride.
I am your fortress; you are my snowball fight.
I am your decorate; you are my tangled lights.
I am your helper; you are my do-it-myself.
I am your Santa Claus; you are my Christmas elf.
I am your glass ball; you are my popcorn strings.
I am your pageant; you are my angel's wings.
I am your steady hands; you are my rising star.
I am your stocking; you are my chocolate bar.
I am your caroling; you are my jingle bell.
I am your favorite song; you my first noel.
I am your old stories; you are my make-believe.
I am your go to sleep; you are my Christmas Eve.
I am your hush now; you are my lyrical.
I am your peace on Earth; you are my miracle.


Emily said...

Oh I LOVE THAT!!! I'm so glad you wrote it down for us all. We're basically their constant and peace place...and they're our little wild and exploring what I got out of it...but our sweet kids can always come back to sweet!

Unknown said...

What sweet words! I never buy from those things because I like to touch and look at a book before buying it. Obviously this one is a winner. I'll have to be a little risky and just buy a few.

Kimberly said...

Give it a go, Shannon. Those book order books are cheaper that way than getting them from a store anyway.

Plus, I am pretty familiar with children's, because of my classroom experience, and two, because I love children's books. :)