Oct 3, 2017

This Neighborhood Park

As we walked to our beloved neighborhood park the other day, it was neat to recall alllllll the memories we have made there.  When we first looked at houses here in the summer of 2008, we scoped out the area and this park for our then 2 year old son and our soon-to-be born baby girl.  Now those two are so grown, but we go with another baby girl who is 2 herself now.  Wow!  We recounted memories that include so. many. playdates with Cindy, Cathy, Kristin, Susie and kiddos, my attempts at running around the walking trail there a few years ago, family pictures, when the back fence had field behind it instead of more homes, fall family festivals, Easter egg hunts, a handful of tennis games including one time when Josh ran over a toddling Anna and I heard her head hit the ground from across the court, that time the same child busted her eyebrow open on the bar above the slide, the handful of other foster kiddos I have taken there to play, teaching our kids to ride bikes there, all the times we'd show up and have to be run off by the mowing crew on Wednesday mornings (I don't know why we always forgot that!), the first time we let Noah and Anna go there ALONE (last week) for a quick errand, all the fairy houses that have been built there, all the bright spring days and chilly fall ones, all the picnics and impromptu meetups, that time we had Community Group cookout there.  We added a new memory this week ... of Josh and the kids pulling the wagon there with trashbags in order to collect pine straw for the greenhouse.

Then it was Josh throwing the football for Noah ... just another example of how much life has changed and with it the memories we make at this little park.  

It's fun to enjoy it anew and all over again with a new toddler, but I am not gonna lie.  It's a little bittersweet. I miss our peeps whose kids have grown up with mine.  And I can't believe how grown up mine are!


Then again, they aren't so grown that they don't still jump at the chance to go hang at our sweet little neighborhood park. ❤️

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