Oct 28, 2017

Field Trips on Friday

I neglected to get a pic of the kids at Nashville Children's Theater yesterday when we took in a showing of Mr. Popper's Penguins.  We read that book a couple years ago, I wanna say, so it was fun to see the theatrical version of it with our homeschool field trip group.  Then, perfectly, we hit up another scheduled field trip while we were already in Nashville - we took in three different guided tours at the Tennessee State Museum.

The first was my favorite - Tennessee Long Hunters and the Frontier.  This goes PERFECTLY with topics we studied last year.

Second, we took in a Pioneer and Settlers chat that went perfectly with our studies from last year and this year. Love!

Finally, a tour discussing Apprenticeships and all that that entailed - especially this spot with the printing press that went splendidly with the American Revolution unit we are in right this very moment.

Afterward, we did a little self-guided tour via a scavenger hunt checklist the museum provides. I had low expectations that the kids would see it through, but it was really well done and they were impressed with what all else they saw from different time periods beyond our tours .... especially the real mummy encased in AC in all its grossness.  Perfect for Halloween.

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