Aug 21, 2017

TOTAL Eclipse

What a fantastic treat to be in the path of totality for today's solar eclipse!  It was just as amazing as we all had anticipated it would be.  I got chills when we got to take the eclipse glasses off and just stare at that ring of fire with the naked eye during the couple minutes of totality.  It was just ... amazing.  What fun to share it with friends and my babies.  Could only have been improved if Josh would have been with us. 

It was dang hot, so a pool and water slide were excellent ideas for passing the time from partial to total eclipse.

I had to HOVER over Lasa to keep glasses on her when looking up. She found the whole thing sort of confusing and ended up rejecting the glasses.  Them being so dark for everything but the sun just frustrated her.  Scared her a little, too, when everyone got all excited and loud. :}

Watching the solar bands via their shadows on the sheets.  So neat!

You can see how the lighting had shifted.  It was so bizarre and so cool!

Totality - look!  Cheers and exclamations went up all around.  So fantastic to take in.

360* of sunset around us during those two minutes of totality.

Pic I borrowed that someone else got there today.  I didn't even attempt to make my phone try this.  This, by the way, freaked Lasa out a little bit.  After it was all over, however, she kept saying "Mo nie" which we think meant "More night."

I love how Anna was hugging Lasa through the experience. - there in the bottom right of this pic.  She was so impressed with this whole thing, she asked me to assign them a journal entry to write about it afterwards.  😂

What an amazing gift is this Creation with all its systems and events and cycles. What a gift is this experience this side of Heaven.  All the praise hands to you, Lord! You are so impressive.

As well, getting a solid selfie in glasses that pretty much blackout ev-er-y-thing is ALSO an experience.  HA!


Emily said...

Oh yay! You got a about a minute and half longer to view than we did. We had clouds roll in RIGHT AT TOTALITY...but they were fresh new thing edges of the clouds...and so we could still see it for about 30 amazing! And yes the sunset all around was also so so neat!

Kimberly said...

We technically had 2 minutes and 40ish seconds... But so glad you got a view! I was thinking about y'all that day!

Emily said...

after the eclipse, Nat and I hit a wall...we were SO exhausted...headed to bed at 7! ha!! All the excitement leading up to it, wacked us hard by 3pm. I'm glad we both got to see it! and that there was no trial to take over such a neat experience!

Kimberly said...

Yes! That happened to me too. That and a massive headache. All the staring up at the sun for hours took a toll. Which is also impressive ... how powerful and dangerous that created being is. It allll just points to an amazing GOD.