Aug 9, 2017

Creek Play

After dinner last night we couldn't pass the evening without getting out in the cool air and strolling on the greenway near home.  Anna, Lasa, and Josh went prepared to play in the creek by wearing water shoes.  Poor Noah and his feet - he just hates not wearing socks and tennis shoes so by the time he realized he DID want to suck it up and play in the creek with them, the moment had passed for being prepared.  He started to take off his shoes and socks and go barefoot, but his poor foot quirk got the better of him and he decided not to get in after all.  Too bad - these pics would have been all the more fun for having him in them!

Get a load of the giant joyous grin on Lasa's face.  My heart explodes.  

While Noah, Lasa, and I wandered off, Josh and Anna stayed behind and built this dam.  Isn't it lovely? 


Josh and I resolved that whenever we move again, out new property MUST have a creek or stream on it for play just like this.


Emily said...

oh man! Natalie would have been SO into building a dam with them! Anna and Natalie are SO alike!

Kimberly said...

Next time! They spotted another spot that needed a dam on our way back. ;)