Aug 9, 2017

Fine Motor Play

While rummaging around a cabinet of random junk, I found a baggy of supplies from a bygone activity with little Noah and Anna years ago.  It was snipped up straws and some pipe cleaner.  Aha!!  This was a fun find because it is perfect for my Lasa to enjoy right now and it is a jump start on a line item on my to-do list for this school year ... which is to make Busy Bag activities to occupy her while I do school with the big kids!  

It was a total hit!  She was so in the zone.  She proudly wears her new jewelry often now.


Love being through the baby days stage and well into toddler and preschoolish fun!


Emily said...

Brilliant idea. Gonna stick that in my back pocket to use...actually, I could use larger straws/pipes and Evie would be totally into this sort of activities.

Evie is a monster during school time. I feel like a rockstar when I can get Jack through his day by lunchtime. ... and this is just the beginning. I live on "One Day At a Time." mentality.

Lasa's lips though. I want to squish her! But she'd probably wonder why this crazy lady in all up in her face. :(

Are you really happy to be done with baby stages? Evie sacked out today 30 minutes before bedtime...ON ME...drool, lip quivers, heavy as can be kind of sacked out...I so ate it up and I may have cried a tad.
I will miss the I hang on with all I have to whatever she gives me

Kimberly said...

Oh, I'm not saying those aren't precious moments. But yeah - really really happy to be through what all else comes in that stage. Just saying I have had them and while I loved them I am so ready to move on to the next precious stage. Truth!!

Emily said...

ha! Well I guess that's fair. I am just having a hard time with my baby growing up so fast!!! *waaaah!*