Feb 25, 2017

TPR Update

Screenshot text from Josh this week.  One more much-anticipated thing to check off the list.  Next up, a hearing in March.

We heard from Angelique the night before she was served.  She was giving us her newest number and checking in on Lasa.  Haven't heard from her since, which isn't abnormal, but is at-the-same-time a relief that she didn't call us furious with this new development.  Very interested to see how our next meet-up goes.  It's not looking like she is gonna contact us about visiting tomorrow, but there's still a few hours left for that to change.


Amy Faye Brown said...

Prayers still a'coming.

Kimberly said...

Thank you so much. So much!

Emily said...

so did she ever ask for a visit????

Kimberly said...

No. She did call yesterday though and suggested we plan a visit. she said she'll be in touch.