Feb 11, 2017

New 'Do's

I joined a really challenging discussion forum on FB a few weeks ago.  It all revolves around race stuff and trans-racial foster/adoption and hair/skin helps and how all these things intersect and what all is involved.  And, in a word, it is ... involved.  I have been rattled by some of the conversations I have witnessed on there.   I have also been SO encouraged by alllllll the many voices and tips I have gleaned regarding how to manage Lasa's hair in much-needed protective styles.  There is such a learning curve to the daily maintenance regimen needed to keep dry curls healthy and moisturized!  I have come a long way and I am so thankful for the info and suggestions I have picked up along the way.  I have ordered some different hair products for different purposes, bought a specific hair chair for Lasa to simplify the process for us both, hit up a beauty supply store and been amazed at all the options there, and started following a chick on YouTube that is so great with tutorials on doing her daughter's hair that just so happens to have the same curl type as Lasa.  Of late, I have tried a few new 'do's and felt so empowered that I can do this thing!  I have even been awakened to how cool curly hair is.  It does things that my hair type never would.  It's pretty neat!

The latest view of hair care stuff we employ ... the drawer of baubles and combs and ties and clips, followed by the bucket of all the potions and gels and sprays and oils, followed by the new hair chair from IKEA (technically a high chair, yes) that is awesome and Lasa asks to sit in it even when I am not doing her hair.  Ha!  Not pictured, the new shampoo and conditioner we are trying.  C'mon Jamaican Black Castor Oil Strengthen Grow and Restore line!

Don't even get me started on how bizarre it was to finally give in and get the coconut oil FROM THE KITCHEN and put it in my baby's hair.  I hear olive oil works wonders, too?!?!?!?  One day maybe.  But seriously.  SUCH a difference maker in her hair texture.  It really does make a difference for the better.  Color me impressed.

First attempt at this style - four braids pulled together in the middle.  Don't laugh!  My parts are getting better, but it's hard for my fingers to make sense of working with slick hair and such short hair.  Baby steps!


For PDO one day, we tried a diagonal part with semi-messy buns and bows.  Adorbs!

For church, she rocked these pretty puffs...


And my new fave - the frohawk!! Also note how smooth those edges are - secret weapon being a toothbrush.  A toothbrush, y'all!  Dipped in gel.

What a fun project this hair thing is! 

Lasa loves! And she is a good sport about sitting still while I work. It's a good thing because I have a pinboard full of fun new 'do's to try next.  :)  One last shot of her gigglyness when I tried to get better pics of the fro. She thinks it's hysterical to run toward me instead of staying put for the shot.

Even with the blur, you can see the joy and wiggle and noise.  And that rockin' new 'do!


Emily said...

You are doing so good with her hair! I knew you could...just a few youtube videos and voila! I about DIED at your comment about coconut oil....did you hear John Crist 20 sec jist about essential oils? His last line in there was about coconut oil. Straight DIED.

Kimberly said...

Ha! Yes, I DID see that and fell out at the end myself. Wished it was a longer clip!

Emily said...

LOL! I just showed it to Lee after reading your post. He chuckled too.

Emily said...

The diagonal part is my favorite so far!!!

Kimberly said...

Oh, ha! You noticed I added two from this week to this post from last week. :} The diagonal part does look the tidiest... I need to get comfortable with twists and braids. Been doing loose ones at night at least.