Feb 11, 2017

Group Shots

We took in our second Super Bowl in a row with our Community Group (sans one family missing).  Love these families/friends!  We had good eats, good seats, a giant TV, and even upgraded half-time from Gaga to a quick worship session. Much improvement! ;)

Who knew such a great game would end so lousy with a Patriots win again?!  Oh well.  In other group news, Anna started her American Girl Sewing Class this week and it's such a treat for her!  

And, of course, my favorite group ... of hooligans!  A day in the homeschool life with these three souls.  Can't lose!

Then throw in a fourth face and you have the quartet that hit the zoo this morning while I slept in and then caught up on stuff at home.  Including blogging.  HA!

Get a load of Anna's smile there ... she lost two teeth on top a week ago.  Snaggle tooth, but with symmetry.  Win!


Emily said...

Do you just love to hear the comments throughout the day....

So many times I hear "I just love you Evie." "I'm so glad we have a baby in our family" "I just love our family" etc


Kimberly said...

Yes, actually! They say that stuff a lot. So funny you knew them word for word. "I am so glad we have this baby!"

Emily said...

haha! yep! and the honest... "...well most of the time...just not when she cries a lot"