Jan 27, 2017


I learned this trick this week - french braiding!

My next trick was learning to play Chess with Noah.

My next, next trick was to whip up some homemade meatballs on the spot upon request.  My first ever!

My most impressive trick was wrangling a terrified toddler into multiple breathing treatments a day until she finally wasn't scared of them by the end of the week and even willingly watched me set up the machine and climbed in my lap for it.

And for my last trick, Anna and I completely forgot to put her latest lost tooth out/leave cash and in the morning ... no one cared.  Anna just said I could give her the money instead of trying again the next night. HA!  Big kids rock.


Emily said...

haha! Anna's face! Cracks me up!! And good for you...I know how to play chess, but I hate that game about as much as I hate playing Stratego. Uhhhh...games are supposed to be mostly luck, with a hint of thought....otherwise, it's torture. lol!

Kimberly said...

Then you need to get No Stress Chess because it's about luck more than strategy. Really enjoyable version with three different difficulty levels.