Jan 7, 2017

2017's 1st Snow Day

We got enough snow for Josh to be sent home early from work and enough snow to play in for bit yesterday and then it melted mostly away by the afternoon.  Looking forward to a hearty snow or two more this winter.  Love the excitement in the air when snow comes to town!

This pic cracks me up because it caught the moment so well.  Lasa could NOT be bothered to look at me no matter how many times I yelled her name.  She was IN LOVE with all the white everywhere.  All the world's a delight when you are 1 year old.

Then I knew what would work - I playfully growled, "I'm gonna get you!" and she instantly looked up all agrin ready for the intrigue of a good chase.  Snap!  Other precious moment (and grin) caught.

There wasn't enough snow to make many snowballs, but they got a few thanks to the fresh clean blanket in our cul-de-sac.  After riding down the driveway, they mostly did snow angels and enjoyed some "centrifugal sledding" in the middle of the street.  It was so fun watching them hang on for dear life as Josh slung the sleds around and around.  Even Lasa loved the sledding action.  Another cul-de-sac bonus!

Now that we have had a sufficient test run of all our snow gear this year, we have a couple more things to pick up to be ready for the next snowfall we get.  Anna wants to upgrade her snowmittens to snowgloves (understandable) and she also outgrew her snowboots this year.  That took us by surprise as we soldiered on shoving her poor feet in boots almost two sizes too small.  Ha!  And it's just dang time for me to finally pick up some snowboots of my own.  It's not that I play in the snow all that much, but I need some boots to allow me to be out there longer so I can take many more snow pics!  :D


Amy Faye Brown said...

We got at least 8 inches. We are snowed in. It ain't melting for a day or two. Our leadership just cancelled Sunday services.

I've got snow boots. Not attractive but make the snow tolerable.

Kimberly said...

I will hang my head in defeat for having allowed a Floridian get a move on snowboots way quicker than me.

Amy Faye Brown said...

No defeat. I purchased them a couple years ago as my cold weather motorcycle boots never dreaming I'd actually wear them for what they were really intended. 😂😂😂

Kimberly said...

THAT is a fun backstory!!