Jan 12, 2017

Lasa's Hair Gets Did

So, I have been slowly, slowly dipping my toes into the world of African-American hair care.  I have pinned some ideas, watched some videos, tried different products, and followed some pages that keep warming me up to the main gist of what Lasa's hair is gonna need.  I have so much to learn still.  But today I tried a new thing!  Protective styling Lasa's hair. With twists! 

It ain't perfect.  It ain't even necessarily pretty.  But it's progress!  We also have Lasa a silk pillowcase, because, in case you didn't know, cotton pillowcases are terrible for African-American hair.  I also just requested to join a FB community a friend recommended that is designed to support white parents of black children in the taking care of their skin and hair, too, that I just know is gonna be so helpful.  

This is her typical hair when I have managed it with product.  Some days I toss a headband on this.  I have even ventured into little puffs.

This is her typical hair when I have let it be how it wants to be and have not intervened with product.

So, twists help a little. :} Bring on the twists.  Maybe even some braids one day!

And that is the latest with the doing of Lasa's hair. :}


Amy Faye Brown said...

Her hair is fun!
Love it braided and love it's natural wildness!

Amy Faye Brown said...


Kimberly said...

That word is the one I am settling on too ... so fun! Does so many things I could NEVER get my hair to do.