Jan 14, 2017

This Week's Random

Random stuff this week includes an at-home blood typing kit.  So interesting!  Anna ended up A+ like me.  Noah ended up being O+ like Josh.  Perfect!  I have a kit for Lasa that we weren't quite ready to prick her finger to do yet.  Another day maybe.

Way fun pollination experiment.  Pipe cleaners for bees, kitchen spices for pollen, rolled up tape for stigma!  Perfect!

A dear friend from church, Gloria, is moving to MO this coming week and I am all sorts of sad about it whilst being happy for her and the family to move nearer to family.  


Suzanne had us all over for one last shindig together Tuesday night.  Look at all our cute and colorful babies.  Don't go, Hohenadels! 

So fun shot of my girls battling via light sabers while we watched the last of 5 Star Wars movies last weekend.

This sort of cuteness speaks for itself!

Daily homeschool distracter.

A friend and her hubby just bought their first house together this week, and it looked exactly like the first place Josh and I bought together.  Inspired, I went and pulled up a pic of our sweet 1025 Tab Roberts Rd.  in Lawrenceville, GA.  Cape Cods for the win!!  Sweet memories.

And speaking of house stuff, we welcomed the fourth fridge to see our kitchen since November and we think she is a keeper, praisetheLordandHallelujah!  She is so pretty and works so well and doesn't shout/hum like a broken coke machine and she has TWOOOOOOOO working ice makers.  We have finally arrived in life.  I named her Honey.  I wuv her. 

At the moment Josh and the kids are out for a drive.  Josh is all about scoping out property and homes these days so they are looking around the nearby Bethpage area just to see what they see.  No, we are not moving for years, but it's fun to keep your finger on the pulse of what's on the market and what's not.  Other than that, we have much going on this MLK weekend and are so thankful for the long weekend with Josh ... and my sister's family which we leave to go visit with tomorrow! 


Amy Faye Brown said...

Oh my gosh!
Blood types! Not sure what ours are.

Love that fridge!

Kimberly said...

Good chance that at JM is O+. :}