Jan 9, 2014

Floundering in my 5 Hours

It's been two years since a day like today has happened.  I am home alone and both my kids are at their respective school settings.  Two years ago, it was Noah in Kindergarten at 5 years old and Anna in MDO at 2.5 years old.  Anna didn't stick that year out and has been home with me since. So I have had a kiddo around, day in and day out, since then.  Then Anna went to pre-k this year, but Noah came home from public school and we've been homeschooling since.  Again, a kiddo around, day in and day out, since then.

But today?  Today Anna went to pre-k as all T/Th's prescribe.  And Noah?  Noah walked into his new co-op group as the rest of this year's Thursdays will prescribe. Trouble is, that's as far as I planned when I signed him up and we looked forward to this day.  We got him to school and Anna to school, and now I am home alone and I'm all, "Now what?"

Most mommas are all, "This rocks!" and "Now I can do x, y, and z!"

Me?  I am sitting here twiddling my thumbs trying to get my brain around the fact that I have 5 hours all to myself.  Well, 3 hours now.  I have been twiddling my thumbs and wandering around the house for 2 hours already.  I have GOT to get a grip!

Ok, ok. I know!  I will go get some groceries.  That's what mommas without their chickadees do, right?  Groceries!  Good, a plan! I'm on it!

Is anyone laughing at me, besides me?  So amused at how out of sorts I feel. Seriously floundering over here! 


Cindy said...

I could think of 100's of things to do on a day without kids :-)

* go shopping at Opry Mills or Lebanon outlets
* get your hair cut
* go to the movie theater
* go for a long walk/run on a pretty trail
* snuggle up on the couch with a book or DVD
* scrub the house
* take tablet to a coffee shop and just hang out
* meet a friend for lunch in a non-kid-friendly restaurant
* buy some cute bins at the Dollar Store and organize a room/closet
* wander around Home Goods or Hobby Lobby (or in your case, the Parent-Teacher store)
* visit some cool shops (boutiques) in Nashville

Kimberly said...

Ohhhhhhh. It's all coming back to me now! :)

Amy Faye Brown said...

Every Thursday is now Kimmie Day!
Do all the fun things you've been wanting to or the tasks you've been putting off, or just simply breathe.

Kimberly said...

Kimmie Day, huh? I think that could stick!

Emily said...

I could make a list like Cindy's….pretty much agree with all she said….basically enjoy the little bit of "me" time you get…helps to enjoy all the "kid and me" time the rest of the week! :)