Jan 17, 2014

Anna, the Shutterbug

My love is in love with the power she wields with her new grown-up camera she got at Christmas.  She click-click-clicks away, burning up batteries and filling up her memory card in no time.  This past week we got around to uploading her pics to give her room to take more and we giggled our way through her portfolio.  It's so amusing to see things in the snapshot view from Anna's perspective.  Enjoy these highlights from her first reel...

Poor Papa.  He can't even catch a few zzzzz's in peace.

Shots that show what hits her at eye-level are so cute to me!

She thinks this shot of Papa's foot is HI-larious.

I think the view of her finger-like toes is Hi-larious. :}

First selfie!  


"Dat's while I was napping." Uh huh.

This view from her bed cracks me up.

Her Nashville shots impressed me!

Stuff she does with Daddy at bedtime.  I was intrigued that she wanted photos of this stuff.

At a New Year's Eve get together with good friends.

The ones she is most proud of are the ones she took while on her "nature walk" when she was specifically looking for all sorts of natural things to photograph. :}

I recently showed her how to use the video camera function on her camera, too.  THAT should get interesting.  :}


Emily said...

LITTLE PHOTOGRAPHER in training! how cute!

Adrian said...

Love these! And I want to know more about that intriguing bedtime routine :)

Kimberly said...

Oh, yes! It's become its own bible curriculum pretty much that Josh always seems to be tailoring and crafting things around. He relies heavily on Dana Dirkson's Questions w/Answers songs to train the kids in basics of the faith ... basically a kids catechism set to really easy to remember music. They cover other verses with Seeds Worship albums and they get into the music part big time. Looks like our own little orchestra up there with all the instruments they pull out. And the do some prayer instruction and practice and some missionary stuff. And they are reading through the Action Bible right now which Noah really digs! Josh has really impressed me with how committed he has become over the years to that time he spends with them. So blessed by that!