Jan 27, 2013

Weekend Pics

Just some fun-filled moments from this weekend:

I took Noah skating with some friends from my SAHM group. Noah was hard to help.  He wants to go so fast but doesn't do it right and also doesn't want to slow down enough to listen to his momma help him. :S  So that means he falls and cries a lot.  And gets impatient with his momma a lot.

In the end, the arcade section outshone the rink. Sigh.

We finally found Anna a new-to-her bike that is big enough without being too big and she LOVES it. She rode and rode and rode.  Her favorite is the bell. My favorite things are the flower-shaped pedals and the streamers. I can't believe both my babies are on 16 inch bikes now!

Josh and the kids did a round of tennis again.

This character logged some more miles on his scooter while Anna tried out her new wheels.  He also got registered for spring t-ball and hit some practice swing with his daddy while they were outside, too.

1 comment:

Emily said...

that looks about 500% more fun than my weekend.... : /

I never even thought about taking the kids to a skating rink...what a old school novel idea! But I think I'd better make my kids wear helmets.... haha (just kidding)