Jan 21, 2013

Anna's New 'Do

Anna's been begging to have her hair cut and I have reeeeeeeeeally tried to pretend she wasn't asking.  But Josh took the task on himself today and took her to get it done.  We agreed shoulder length would be a gentle start to the haircut world. I stayed home, not wanting to look.


After (5-6 inches shorter)

Josh has declined to comment on his baby girl's new look.  But I don't mind it that much.  I do miss the curls already, but I told Anna she looked a little more grown and she took to that descriptor with a knowing twinkle in her eye.  Because a new haircut is not allllll she is old enough for.  She has some news to share from this weekend :).

Stay tuned!


Amy Faye Brown said...

I love that sassyfrass smirk on her face and can't wait to hear her news! I like her hair both ways....just a word of advice don't let her cut it so short that it can't be pulled up off her neck in the heat of summer.

Emily said...

*gasp!!!!!* I adore that last picture of her! beautiful beautiful beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kimberly said...

Oh, yes. That's why we stuck with shoulder length ... to ensure some piggie and pony tail length hair. :)