Jan 5, 2013


So proud of my first baby all over again! We got to see his sweet and easy smile in the paper this week from that Eight Keys of Excellence award he got picked for from his class for the 2nd nine weeks. I think there is actually a color copy of this article out there and I am gonna cross my fingers I can get that version, too.

Here's the wall he got to put his handprint on.

And here's the spot where his sweet little mug will be posted all year as well.

In other fun school news, Noah stayed home sick again yesterday after only one day back at school this week.  The petri dish that is public school in the winter months sent him home with pink eye this time.  Lovely.  And crusty. :}


Amy Faye Brown said...

Yay! to Noah's Excellence (really? it took them this long to figure that out?)

Boo! to pink eye and its crustiness. So not fun. Get better soon Noah (and don't share it with your sister)!

Kimberly said...

Seriously! I was all, "So who won it the first nine weeks then?!" Tee, hee, hee.

Emily said...

:( We've had pink eye for most of Christmas break. Hate that stuff.but the Boogie wipes are wonderful to help clear the crud out....just heat it up in the microwave for a few seconds and you won't have any fighting with the crusties :) Jack loved it :) And Natalie never complained about it that way. Just fyi....another way to use boogie wipes.

Kimberly said...

Good to know! He got it in both eyes as of this weekend and his nose is all crusty in the mornings, too. He is such a wimp cleaning it out, so I'll give that a try. Thanks for the tip!