Jan 12, 2013

This Week

Josh has been sick as a dog and bouncing back and forth between the medicine cabinet, the bed, the office, and the doctor.  

I have been a busy bee with kid stuff and mom stuff and GTP stuff, as always.

And the weather is back in the 70s. Grrrrr!  I am having a hard time accepting this fact and the fact that I am having to run the AC in January again.

But, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em, which is what the kids did today after the rain stopped.  Pulled out the shorts again, donned some boots and crocs, and hustled outside to watch the flood drive their Lego boats and to save worms from drowning in puddles in the street.

1 comment:

Memaw said...

So sorry my boy has been so sick. We
are still not up to par. So sweet to see my little ones enjoying the simple things of life. It is like summer down here - the AC is going strong. I have been doing a little yard work at my "new" house and my old house but it wears me out. Have some new projects going at church.