Jan 16, 2013

Odd Firsts I Met Today

Today's odd highlights include the following:

I ate hog jowl in homemade sausage over homemade pasta.
I held an assault rifle. Like, a real-live assault rifle.
I emailed Bill O-Reilly.
I learned a great new word - pettifog.

As you were.


Emily said...

whaaaat?! I don't even know what you ate...hog jowl? Whatintheworld.

What did you email?! How fun!

Kimberly said...

Hog jowl? I don't like to think about it. Just the name frightens me. But a friend served it up and I couldn't turn them down. I just kept saying, "It's just sausage. It's just sausage."

So that's my story with the hog howl.

As for Bill, I emailed him the word pettifog. He often throws out an uncommon and curious word at the end of his shows. And it's a word he would dig, I just know. Honestly, I bet he already knows it.

Emily said...

I don't think I knew you watched Bill O'Reilly!!
....you know what I'm thinking about you right? hahahahaha!!! Love ya!

Kimberly said...

Well, I don't watch Bill O'Reilly. But I do know his show.

I bet I see him like 5 times a year on TV. That is how little news I actually watch.

Amy Faye Brown said...

I stand in awe of your firsts.

Is this an assault rifle y'all now own?

I couldn't think of what I really wanted to spend my graduation money on so I bought myself a 9mm pistol. Love it. Just saying.

Emily said...

Oh okay then. : / We don't have cable....all I ever see of him, are books :) That I've never read... haha.
Will they let you know if you're word gets on his show???

Kimberly said...

I wonder the same thing Emily... if I will know if he uses the word. :}

And, yeahhhh right! Like we would shop for an assault rifle. Or have that kind of money. No, it belonged to the guy the made the homemade sausage and pasta. My friend's husband. :}

Memaw said...

I'm a little worried about you! Ha!