Nov 24, 2012

Speaking of Speech and School

It took 3 months to get tested and scheduled for an IEP meeting, but it's finally confirmed as of last Wednesday - Noah has been identified as Speech Impaired and will participate in Speech and Language classes twice a week effective immediately.  Can I get an Amen?!  It's only been on my radar for YEARS. :S  His specific Speech goals will relate to his articulation of s, z, l, th, and consonant blends. It was interesting to hear from the Speech teacher how unique some of Noah's mispronunciations were, especially how he creates the l sound with the v sound - something that not even Josh or myself had noted.  She said she took him to the preschool speech teacher to hear and they remarked how they have never had a student use that sort of substitution.  Anyway, God bless his teacher, Mrs. Arnold, for spotting his need and taking care of this business right away. So glad to have those issues finally being addressed by someone that can actually help him!

In another turn of educational events, we got an email from his teacher a couple weeks ago about some concerns she has for Noah.  Despite his making straight A's thus far, she said he is beginning to show real signs of struggling to keep up and she thinks some of this struggle might be related to some language processing issues.  And so, it was discussed at the IEP meeting and decided that Noah will be also be tested to see if he qualifies for some Language services, too.  While I suspect Noah's lack may be more in terms of expressive language, he will be tested for the full battery of receptive and expressive language processing.  We shall see.  I hate that I have just assumed that this was his mild temperament and timidity all these years.  What if it's been more all this time?  Oh, the ache in my head and heart to think of all the time wasted when he could have used some help with something.

And, oh yeah, his teacher is also really concerned about his grip and fine motor skills.  HELLLLOOOOO!  Sound familiar?  Hasn't that been a lingering haunting concern of mine for him for years as well?  And so, again, his teacher explained her concern for him in this aspect and submitted some samples of his work and it was agreed that, yes, this boy should be tested for OT as well.  Seeee?  I wasn't so crazy to have taken him for a consult with an occupational therapist the summer before kindergarten.  I gotta admit, having others finally confirm what I have noted for awhile is a little satisfying.  Now to get him the help or at least a professional diagnosis one way or the other. 

So that's the latest with Noah's school news.  Praying the next tests don't take til the end of the year to get done and reported. Fingers crossed.  (I don't even want to think about how to go about these special services one we transition to home schooling for second grade.  Sigh. One thing at a time, I guess.)


Amy Faye Brown said...

Always go with your mother's instinct/intuition. You know your baby better than anyone else. He'll be fine and may even progress better under your tutelage at home.

Emily said...

You know just because you homeschool, you still pay you are still entitled to go to the school system for the services. You are totally covered. But I'm sure they'll get into all that for you.

Kimberly said...

That is what I am expecting to be the case... but I am not going to poke around just yet to ask. :}

Elizabeth Bradley said...

Catching up on emails and blog posts today and just wanted to let you know that I am oh-so-happy for you guys and Noah that he has SUCH a good teacher who is so observant and helpful. What a blessing that he's finally going to be getting the help he needs / deserves! I'm so happy for you that his school experience so far this year has been such a good one!