Feb 27, 2012

Taa Daa: Prayer Boxes

Today at MOPS, we made a simple craft we call Prayer Boxes for our kiddos.  Simply put, they are just a very tangible tool for guiding kids through prayer.  I had NO IDEA what a hit these would be once I put them in my kids' hands.  They were all about it!  It didn't occur to them to decorate the outside, which I thought would be their first response. No, they set right to work making up the prayer cards to put inside them.  Anna, in fact, fell into tears when I had to interrupt her work to go run an errand, she was so committed to the task at hand!

Anna's cards addressed the following...
(thanks for colors and rainbows, praying for her friend Kaitlin, another card with "letters" which she said meant for God to help her learn, and then, because her heart was so happy, she added another couple cards with just colors, just because.)

Noah's prayer card stash actually had twice as many cards than are shown here.  He really got into drawing God and writing God/Jesus with letters I couldn't make out without his translation.  I helped him whittle those down to what you see below...
(an "I praise you" card, a request for help staying dry at night, thanks for Chewie, a card for praying for himself, my personal favorite that is written backwards that says Dear God, I love you,  a Thank you for the Cross card, a request for help being kind to Anna, and another blank one to fill in with Daddy)


Amy Faye Brown said...

So sweet! Great idea! Might steal it. I've been helping a lady at church with our Wednesday night preschool class because she's been overwhelmed with the numbers she's having. This would be a great project for them!

Kimberly said...

I saw you pinned it just now! That is the same one I pinned when I was getting my ducks in a row for this. :)

Emily said...

I'm stealing it too. What a cute idea! Will really help to teach them to pray!