Feb 2, 2012


My kiddos went straight haywire today.  Maybe it's the cockamamie weather we're having?  I have been having to use the AIR CONDITIONING in January and now February.  Really, folks?  Really?!

This evening, Noah was all weepy and emotional - until he got hyped-up and wildly silly.  Anna was all compliant and loving - until she got disappointed and then just plain furious.  

Noah can't stop laughing and joking about passing gas.  He even - get this - went and let one rip especially in Anna's room and then came back to make sure she smelled it upon her return.  Then he tried to sniff it out some more and cackled his way back to his room very pleased with his work.

Anna dropped something in the bathtub and in all seriousness said to herself, "Oh, fiddlesticks," as she bent to pick it up and put it away.  WHERE did she learn that word?  I am mystified by this newest vocabulary add.

Noah got a good and loud stern scolding today about the ugly words he keeps coming home from school with that better stop coming home and coming out his mouth or else!  Today's offending buzz words were doo-doo and chicken butt.  2 more reasons to bump homeschooling right on up the to-do list.

Anna threw not one, but two fits today that included yelling at the top of her lungs in fury and throwing herself down in the floor to express her malcontent.  Strangely, both outbursts still seemed subdued somehow - like her heart was not really in it.  I guess that is a good sign?


Amy Faye Brown said...

Cracking me up!

DNA be darned...that boy's a Brown! His fascination with gas just proves it. And, running to do it in his sister's room is just classic Aaron Brown!


Kimberly said...

I failed miserably at keeping a straight face in order to discourage his antics, too. Which, of course, only reinforced them. {Sigh}

Emily said...

haha! That is hilarious! Maybe her fits are subdued because you kNOW they are after seeing some of Natalie's.... can't imagine her screaming at the top of her lungs....

This post made me laugh!

Elizabeth Bradley said...

This post made me laugh too... and was one of those "this will be fun to look back on and read one day" kind of posts. I wish I blogged more like you. :)

Our weather has been CRAZY too. First it was oh-so-warm (for Prague) in January and what little bit of February we've experienced so far has been ridiculously cold. We're talking single digits cold. Ridiculous, I tell you. No snow. Just cold.

Kimberly said...

Oh, trust me! I think it's all so funny, too. Did that not come across? I typed all this with a big grin on my face. :)