Nov 10, 2011

For Sale!

I am in LOVE, I tell you.  In love with a little (and by little, I mean huge) FB group called Girlfriend's Trading Post that functions like a localized Craigslist for almost 3000 of us H'ville area women.  Every week lately I meet up with up to 10 different people to buy or sell stuff.  It's just plain fun to clean out the crap around the house we don't use and will never miss and to make money doing it.  Easier money than consigning or doing a yard sale for sure and more reliable meet ups than you sometimes encounter on Craigslist. 

Here's a big sampling of stuff I've been able to clear out over the last month or two with ease.

I've about run out of stuff to sell for awhile actually.  If the kids don't watch out, I  might just sell their beds out from under them!   I kid, I kid.  The flip side of all this selling is all the great deals I have gotten shopping this site as well.  I finished up my Christmas shopping for the kids this way yesterday.  Love GTP!


Unknown said...

What a cool idea! I wonder if Richmond has one of those...I shall go seek:-)

Kimberly said...

Or create the group yourself...but beware - word spreads fast! :)