Nov 11, 2011

Fair Play: Sabers and Sweets

Having a boy and a girl, we do walk a fine line of fair play in this house.  Anna loves playing in her dollhouse, but she can throw down in a wrestling match with Noah just the same.  Noah loves to sword fight and make toot sounds, but he can tone it down with Anna and play with her makeup like a pro.

Tonight is no different.  I've spent some time just sitting still (and knitting) while I soak in the sounds of my husband and babies playing in the other room.  It's downright delightful to overhear.  I wish I had a tape recorder running so you could listen to Anna participate in Jedi sparring just before Daddy saves her fairy godmothers from Darth Vader.   You should hear Anna's squeaky voice making laser gun sounds while Noah mimics the  battling hum of light sabers.  It's too bad I can't fully convey how cute it is to hear Noah's delight mid-play to have discovered Anna's long lost princesses for her at the bottom of the character bin.  And not 10 minutes later, I catch my three loves dining at our ottoman-turned-tea party that Anna has painstakingly prepared.

And since turnabout is fair play, Josh and Noah's Star Wars characters politely enjoy cupcakes with Cinderella, Belle, and Anna's rock collection.

I'm in love with the years that are upon us and I'm doing all I can to saber - I mean, savor :) - the sweetness of it all.


Amy Faye Brown said...

The days get sweeter. Especially as you begin the transition to friendship as well.

Kimberly said...

Oh, girl, I already dream of that and get glimmers of visions of what that will be like. Take notes for me!

Unknown said...

I love it! I think older brothers are good for a girl's soul and vice versa. Soak it all up!

We're one step behind you as Ava is all about beating Jacob and Daddy up in a good wrestling match.

Emily said...

now that just made my heart happy :) So impressed with the equality :)

Elizabeth Bradley said...

This post might be my favorite of yours ever.

Kimberly said...

It was the pun there are the end that did you in, wasn't it? :)