Nov 28, 2011

10 DAYS?

Has it really been TEN DAYS since I last posted?  Wow.  Well, trust me, I definitely feel the time lapse.  Blogging has become so much a part of me that when I go this long without it, I feel sooo behind.  It's like I can't relax until I've gotten caught up on our beloved Scrapbook Brown.

But it has been a busy 10 days since I last posted about "sick days" - which, by the way, there are two more sick days to add to THAT list -  but I'll be back in blogging commission before November wraps up.  I better be or there'll be you-know-what to pay with my sister breathing down my neck.  :}

Just need to catch my breath ... and sort through pics of all the fun and family.   One thing's for sure - I won't let myself decorate for Christmas til Thankgsiving has its say!

1 comment:

Emily said...

:) That'll do, I suppose till your next post!

I will say though, I am SO not with all the "christmas is too early if it starts before Thanksgiving" bah humbugs.

Thanksgiving can still happen and be celebrated with a Christmas tree in the house and decorations too :)

Our whole house is sick with colds right now Guess that just comes with the change of season.