May 21, 2011

May Days

I just knew in April that May's activities were gonna hit us like a ton a bricks!  I can hardly keep up with all the good stuff that's been going on for us in these May Days of late ...  Forgive the photo dump all in one post, but I wanna remember this stuff. :) 

Our party of 4 a day and a half after we got home from the beach and only moments after the last guest left Noah's birthday party.

That night we got together with a handful of friends to celebrate some more birthdays with a luau. The weather was perfect and the company was even better.  

One of my favorite people these days, Cindy, sporting her festive drink and decor.  She was one of the evening's gracious hostesses.

The guys playing bocce ball and Noah blending right in. :)

We got our selling selves in order again and finally bid adieu to this play set that we got way back when Noah was just barely walking.  The backyard seems like it has a blank spot now.  Not to worry - we picked up a middle-sized trampoline to fill the void today. :)

 This past year I have enjoyed getting to know my friend, Vivian, better. It is thanks to her that I finally got myself out of the house and joined MOPS and our Stay-At-Home Moms meetup group over the past year.  Love you, girl!

On Monday she hosted a special luncheon for her birthday with a sweet group of ladies.  It was quite a treat and I was honored to be included.

Anna enjoyed the girlie gathering as well and insisted she wear a birthday hat to make Vivian's day official.  She did, however, make me take 40 trips to the bathroom while we were there.  This has been a big week for her and the potty training. We are virtually over that hurdle already. :)  Go big girl.

 Anna picks flowers everywhere we go lately.  This bouquet comes courtesy of her, and its placement on the table was Noah's precious idea.  I think he learned about centerpieces on Caillou.

Any post about our days here in May would be incomplete without a "cicada invasion" reference.  They are everywhere and so I far I think it's kinda cool.  Anna does, too, and in this picture was scoping one out as it crawled out of the ground.

This week, our mom's group met up for a play date at the Gallatin Municipal Airport where one of the husbands keeps his plane.  They gave all the kids a wonderful tour of the grounds and several aircrafts.  We even got to see one of the planes take off and do a few maneuvers for us while there.

Josh can breathe a big sigh of relief these days because he has closed a number of big sales at work.  He is nearing his quota for the year which allows him to stop and take a breath once in awhile ... as long as that breath is allowed by Noah of course, who cannot, cannot, cannot get enough of his daddy.

Our neighborhood had a community yard sale today and we decided to participate for once.  It usually falls on the weekend of Noah's birthday, so we were really happy it fell later in the month this time.   Noah was all about it this morning.  He parked himself at one of the tables with his piggy bank and declared himself the "Money Man".  Noah also just finished up his own round of antibiotics after coming down with strep.

We had a great turnout and in the end were able to add $400 to our selling total this year. :)

May's biggest news, however, hails from Warner Robins, GA, and goes by the name of Jack Steeley Talmadge.  I am DYING to get my hands on my newest nephew and may not be able to last until the visit in late June that we have planned.  This much anticipated little bundle (ha) arrived May 3rd in a whopping 9 lb. 6 oz. package in a delivery I am sure my sister will not soon forget (ouch!).  I am told the little hoss is already 10 lbs. 9 oz. at two weeks old! Congratulations to my sister Emily, her husband, Lee, and their two girls, Brooklyn and Natalie.  I cannot believe there is a baby boy in the family again at last!


Emily said...

AWe thanks for the shout out on Baby Jack's arrival :) I can't wait to show off my little rolly polly little boy to you either :)

Loved this post! Never too many pictures either. I can't believe how easy it is for you to make some serious cash...I mean I guess when you get a drive to do something, it'll pay off! Maybe one day I can follow in your footsteps!

And Oh. My. Word...........the little priss in the picture with the birthday hat....did you dress her that way? Totally cute and TOTALLY absolutely girly GIRL!!!! :) NOT what I expected to see my little Anna in! :) Stinking cutie pie.

Elizabeth Bradley said...

Newsy photo-laden posts are lots of fun to read. :) I'm long overdue for a few of my own.

Anna's personality is precious and more and more visible the older she gets. I agree with Emily - that photo of her is adorable, as is the one of both of your cuties saying good-bye to their playset. :)

It's amazing that you can make $400 at a garage sale!!!!

Kimberly said...

Emily - you certainly get on a roll when you let yourself let go of things. THIS sale in particular we MADE ourselves let go of things that we just keep keeping though the things haven't been useful to us in years. Very useful stuff, just not ending up useful in our days, you know? Bite the bullet and do it! Spending that money you make on something you wouldn't otherwise afford is really fun! :) Saving it, too, for that matter. But you know what i mean.

And yeah - I DID dress that girl. I had to pull rank with her to get her to wear the white long sleeved shirt (it was cold that day). She kept insisting it didn't match her skirt. Try explaining complementary colors to a 2 year old!

Kimberly said...

Elizabeth - $400 and I cringe at how cheap we still sold some of that stuff. We kept muttering how much more we could get for the things on ebay or craigslist and had to remind ourselves that the yard sale payoff is that it happens quicker and we don't have to ship or deliver the items. Just sit in the driveway and collect the cash - however discounted it may feel. :)

Heather said...

I am still amazed at the $400. I hope we have that much luck this weekend at ours. I bet your dad was proud to see Noah sitting in the pilot's seat.

Your kiddos are so sweet.

And for Josh to almost already meet his quota for the year and it's only May...VERY IMPRESSIVE. I'd say he can definitely relax and take a breathe now. :)

Kimberly said...

One yard sale tip Heather - post it on Craigslist several days before. We did this time. A lot of sales are advertised there.