May 25, 2011

Accidents Happen

Everyone ready for a good potty pun?!  Here it comes ...

Urine Trouble if you have to buy a bottle of this stuff.  

HA! I crack myself up.

Seriously though, I have had it with staring at the stains from all of Chewie's submissive pee moments. And Anna (though potty training has gone well and is just about done) has added a few of her own contributions to the collection.  So I thought I'd give this crazy product a try when I spotted it by accident (ha again!) the other day in Target.  And so far, this stuff really is all it's cracked up to be - for pets OR people accidents. 

And that just cracks me up.
Maybe I am just cracking up altogether.


Emily said...

lol!!!!!! I could just picture you typing this one out wiht a chuckle at everything you wrote :) hahaha! Funny, I thought Nataliewas the only kid to pee on the carpet...glad I'm not alone in that! Lee made a comment, "so we've house trained our dog not to pee on the carpet, and now Natalie is peeing on the carpet....."
Go figure.
Do you own a steam cleaner? I pull that out when we have fresh pee spots, and it comes up fine.

Kimberly said...

No steam cleaner yet. I hear there's a doohicky called The Spot Bot I would consider though...

Hollie said...

Ha! We have this stuff and it works great! PS= keep it around even after you get a steam cleaner. It came in really handy when Ethan had an overnight accident in his bed :(

Kimberly said...

Ahhhh, I like the tip. Thanks, girl!