May 13, 2011

Around Here This Week

My attempts at getting back into any sort of routine this week have flopped.  Weather ups and downs, Josh in and out of town, doctor's appts and errands, and the constant up and down of Anna and the potty just put any routine making on the back burner.  That's ok.  We'll just count all of May as summer and call it even.  It sure is warm enough!  This week, we pulled out the new kiddie slide/pool that we snagged at Essex for $8.  It was an immediate hit. 

Then the cicadas we've been warned about finally started making an appearance and the hunt was on!  Noah took a bowl of the shells to school for show-and-tell.  In the process of the hunt, we found a dead mole in the yard. Too bad there are STILL more mole hills coming up every morning.

We pulled out the pool again and invited friends to join us.

And we also got the itch to reorganize 3 rooms in our house.  Our downstairs playroom is going to turn back into a dining room - the table is being put back together this weekend. So far the only difference in this room is that the corner cabinet that holds the TV and video games is gone, making room for the play kitchen to scoot to the wall.

The former guest bedroom is now Noah's room (still in process).

And Noah's old room is now a big multipurpose room (also in process) - it'll house my crafting space, the elliptical (if I don't just sell it altogether), the guest bedroom ...

and the kids' tv and video games.

But possibly the biggest news of this week involves a certain 2 yr old who is finally taking the bull by the horns and wrapping up the potty training era of her life.  She finished her first potty chart, she FINALLY will go poo-poo in the potty, and most days she can be trusted to wear her pretty little princess underwear instead of a pull-up.

She cashed her filled-up chart in for a princess and some play jewelry, though she has her sights set on REAL earrings at the end of this potty training road. :)  

I can't remember what our lives were like once upon a time when there were no diapers in our home 5+ years ago, but I am looking forward to remembering it all vividly in the very near future.


Emily said...

I"m still jealous that Anna is nearly potty trained. But way to go !!!!! It's a good jealous :)
Love the room reorganizing!

Elizabeth Bradley said...

Was cleaning out my inbox and realized I saved this to comment on your unwelcome backyard guest. :) Random, but true... a mole is the most famous Czech cartoon character. Created by a Czech, uniquely Czech - sort of like Mickey Mouse is to America. His name is Krtek and he's actually grown on me in terms of cuteness, but those hands and feet on your mole are just so, so intriguing and ick all at the same time! I'm quite certain this is the first real mole I've ever seen. :)

Kimberly said...

That mole surprised me, too! I imagined them bigger. He's no bigger than a rat. Except those claws, YIKES! I just kept getting as close as I could stand it to get a good look at them. So NOT what you see everyday!

Kimberly said...

Elizabeth - The one pictured here must have been dead awhile because the one I watched Chewie pluck from the ground this morning was round and fluffy. You'll be pleased to know that your Czech version of Mickey was saved from Chewie's jaws and transported to a nearby field - but far enough away that he won't dig up my yard again. :)

Amy Faye Brown said...

The picture of Anna with her hand on the baby's head is hilarious! She's got this "I'm the big kid here" vibe written all over her.

Kimberly said...

Oh my word - she so does, doesn't she?!

Emily said...

....and that kid that Noah's holding reminds me what I'm sure Jack will look like in a month. ALL chunk. :)

Kimberly said...

I totally think of Jack when I see Ben now, too, Emily. He is 4 mos and 18 lbs already! We love every chunky ounce of him! And he's wearing orange and blue on purpose that day - he comes from an Auburn family just like yours. :)

Unknown said...

WTG Anna! You all keep things interesting...always doing something totally neat! I wish we had more flexibility in our home to change things around more often. I have always ejoyed the freshness of changing a room around. Our layout isn't so compliant to change.

Unknown said...

Oh and I have never seen a mole before. Kinda weird and gross looking there. We have them terrible in the back yard too. We think our neighbors are running them all to our house.

Kimberly said...

Shannon - you saw the second one he caught on FB right. Apparently they are plumper and fluffier than the one I posted here ... you know, when they haven't layed dead in the yard after being slung all over by an animal. :)