May 6, 2018

Expanding the Bunny Bin

The bunnies have really grown and apparently here at 3 months old they have reached, ahem, sexual maturity.  With that comes a bunch of hormones that cause them to, ahem, get aggressive with each other and regularly try to, ahem, mount each other, if you know what I mean.  Ahem. It matters not that they are all girls, apparently.  Oh, nature.  At times, while they try to, ahem, dominate each other, it is actually a kind of fighting.  We started finding clumps of fur all over their bin.  That was unnerving. We worried one was driving each other two crazy while cooped up at night.  Though we HAVE seen Jenny and Padme get aggressive, Molly is the one who does it the most and we hated to think of them feeling cornered and harassed all the hours of the night and day when we were not out there letting them be free.  So we decided they needed more space and more time to get away from each other.  Fair enough! 

First, we started letting them out into their yard all day instead of leaving them in the hutch until we come outside.  That has helped immensely!  Second, Josh moved their hutch to under the treehouse and fenced in the whole area there around it - so they are not relegated to the hutch only at night.  They have that whole under-treehouse space to move about and retire to their own corners if they prefer.  And when Noah gets up in the morning, he opens up their hutch and that allows them to come into their bigger fenced in yard for the day - which is the entire space behind the shed and greenhouse.  

Most spoiled bunnies ever!  We love it.  And they have seriously mellowed out with all the room to roam.  They even have more eagerly greeted us now when we come outside.  That's nice, too!  

See here the before, during, and after of the bunny bin expansion. 


Elizabeth Bradley said...

You guys and your bunny escapades crack me up. :) Rebeka and I would love to be able to spend an afternoon at your house with them! She SO wants a pet to cuddle and we just simply don't have room... or a yard... and feel bad keeping a pet in a cage and then there's the whole need to have two pets because a guinea pig or rabbit would do better with a friend. Sigh. Such goes our pet saga these days...yours is way more interesting and fun! I really do wish we could share in it with you!!

Kimberly said...

One day all her cuddly pet wishes will be met and it will be oh so sweet! Any shelters you could volunteer at around you? That might meet her cuddle quota? ;)