Jun 13, 2015

S is for Summer Diagnoses

This one has turned out to be a real head case.  Her head-related S issues thus far this Summer:

  1. First, the Silly putty scenario we remember all too well. Did you know that post-ER ENT putty extraction appointment qualified as Surgery?!.
  2. Second, she got Strep last week and has just today finished up 10 days of 3x a day antibiotic. Good times!
  3. And finally (please, Lord, let this be her final summer ailment), she has developed a Stye in her left eye.  We've done hot compresses and eye allergy drops for three days now and it just keeps getting uglier.
Good thing she's cute. : /  
Serenity now!!!!


Emily said...

LOL! at least you are keeping your humor about the S's of this summer! Yes, I knew that going to an ENT to have silly putty removed would be considered surgery.they use very special and sterile equipment to go fishing down in the ear canal so as not to further injure the poor girl.

Brooklyn's had a few stye's...one lasted for 2 weeks and I took her to see her pediatrician...he gave her an antibiotic to see if that would help...I guess it did..or maybe the things just last that long before they die down, but ,yeah, those things are terrible. And you're doing all you can do at home...warm compresses many times a day to bring the inside out toward the surface of the skin so that it can drain....then it will appear to look like a pimple...keep putting warm compresses on it till it "pops" I finally got Brooklyn to pop hers...after much gnashing of teeth and tears. She said she felt immediately better. Poor anna.

Kimberly said...

Anna has had several as well. Hers have never come to the surface of her face though. I can't even imagine how that works. It looks so much more internal to the eyelid when Anna gets them. I can see them inside her eyelid and imagine how lancing it would be helpful. When I asked when we might try that last time she had a stye, the pediatrician's eyes bugged out like I had just suggested we gouge out her eye. Ha! In my defense, I was only asking out of curiosity ... wanting to know how bad it would have to get to consider that.

Emily said...

Well Brooklyn's was pretty bad looking like that too when I took her in...actually, my pediatrician said if the antibiotic didn't work, that we'd need to go see an OPTHalmologist instead of coming back to him (pediatrician), because she can handle those sorts of eye issues. Thankfully we never did have to go back...