Jun 13, 2015

Grow, Meager Garden, Grow

Our gardening attention span has been less than impressive, but what we did manage to plant has somehow managed to grow ... almost entirely on its own.

Anna's sunflowers are yay high by now.

Her two year old gerber daisy that didn't even bloom last summer decided to reach for the skies this year and it is a lovely little thing.

The broccoli I was intending to rip up and just never got around to doing has grown a bunch.  Not sure what happened to the bunny that was dining on their leaves last month.  All I see now are holes from some insect we haven't bothered to spray for yet.

The tomato plants aren't as big as I remember them being by this point in the summer's past, but they have little green tomatoes on each of them now, so there's that.

Noah's venus fly trap and pitcher plants are growing ever so slightly but still I wonder if they are even alive.  I am bad enough remembering to water the plants this summer, I just cannot figure out how to help a meat-eating plant thrive.  And the poor flowers I planted by the mailbox are dying a slow death every day.  Gonna need a much heartier plant out front.  Gonna need a little more oomph to get that job re-done, too, to be honest.  Which reminds me, we have some mulching that still needs to be done out front after three years without any sprucing up. :}  

See what I mean? It's a meager gardening summer over here, indeed.  


Emily said...

at least you are planting things! Natalie plant died that she brought home from school...i mean how do you keep a plant alive when you travel so much? That's probably why I don't bother having plants... practically speaking. But yay for those Sunflowers! how neat!!!

Kimberly said...

By those standards, Tinker is lucky to be alive then. Ha!